The need
It is also our mission to make the best possible use of funds that are donated to All One People. Since we are an entirely volunteer organization, approximately 97% of all donations reach the children. We will not deduct administrative expenses, wages or travel costs from your donation.
Our mission is to lift Africa’s youth from poverty and despair to prosperity and hope, inspiring them to be productive citizens and future leaders. We do this by insuring that students get a high school education. This will open the door to future progress that otherwise would not be possible.
For needy young Kenyans, a chasm exists between free primary school (grades 1 – 8) and university/college education. That chasm is high school with its required tuition and other costs. Many students must leave school after the eighth grade because they cannot pay tuition. If we help by bridging that gap, we will transform a deserving youth from a school drop-out into a contributing adult who will provide leadership in the community and church. In developed nations the high school educational challenge is small but for a poor Kenyan, yearning to improve, the challenge is a formidable chasm.